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of Las Vegas, NV, is the author of 9 books.

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LDS Authors

Kevan Kingsley Clawson
4612 South Jordan Parkway
South Jordan, UT
Born and raised in Utah. Served a full-time mission to Pennsylvania in the 70's. Served as a local Seventy, Ward Mission Leader, High Priest Group Leader, Gospel Doctrine Teacher, High Priest Group Teacher, etc.

I have spent over 15 years as a missionary for the LDS church (I served as a full-time missionary, a local Seventy, Ward Mission Leader, served in a Stake Mission Presidency, and have been on one part-time and one full-time mission with my wife Terri).

I have also spent over 10 years as a teacher in the local wards I have attended (Gospel Doctrine teacher twice, Seventies Quorum Instructor, High Priest Group Instructor, Stake Institute Instructor, and have taught classes in Missionary Preparation, Marriage and Family Relations, and Temple Preparation)

Terri and I lived for two years on the tiny island of Tinian (part of the Northern Marianas-- a US Territory). Terri was Chief of Staff at the island's only medical clinic, while I continued to write.

My wife and I recently returned from serving with LDS Charities aboard the USNS Mercy during Pacific Partnership 2010. The Mercy is a hospital ship that traveled to Asia on a humanitarian mission. We served both on the ship and in Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Timor Leste. My wife worked as a medical provider while I worked with the Seabees renovating medical clinics and schools.

My wife and I are now living in Martin, South Dakota (situated in-between two large Indian Reservations). Terri is working in the small medical clinic in Martin, while I continue to write.

0971454019The Atonement of Jesus Christ: A study of the saving atonement of Jesus Christ (Perfect Paperback)
0971454027The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Paperback)
0971454035Obtaining Your Calling & Election (Paperback)
0971454051Becoming a Great Missionary (Paperback)
0971454078Raising a Worthy Missionary (Paperback)
0971454086The Enhanced Old Testament (Paperback)
0971454094Hostess to the World
0981624715 The Enhanced New Testament Volume I
0981624723 The Enhanced New Testament Volume II