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of South Jordan, UT, is the author of 9 books.

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LDS Bookstore Chains

Deseret Book Company

41 Stores
PO Box 30178
Salt Lake City, UT  84130
Phone: 801-534-1515
FAX: 801-517-3350
  • Requires vendors to use central buyer
  • Requires vendors to use central event coordinator
  • Rose Powell (Retail Coordinator)  Send Message
  • Roberta Stout (Event Coordinator)  Send Message
  • Kara Nordstrom (Buyer)  Send Message  Baptism, bargain buys, children’s, cookbooks, family parenting, games and puzzles, non fiction, reference, stuffed animals, teen, markdowns.
  • Bonnie Parker (Buyer)  Send Message  Calendars, distribution services, foreign language, scriptures, scripture accessories, scripture reference, software, stickers, teaching helps.
  • Kim Sparks (Buyer)  Send Message  Clothing, CTR rings, home décor, home décor pictures, jewelry, Mormon handicraft classes and events, Mormon handicraft consignment, Mormon handicraft fabric, Mormon handicraft samples, Mormon handicraft specific inventory, Mormon handicraft store in-store, personal family history, reading accessories, stationary, sweets and treats, temple bags and totes.
  • Roger Dean (Buyer)  Send Message  DVDs and videos, faith teaching, fiction literature, inspiration, missionary, music, self-improvement, songbooks, magazines.
Deseret Book owns Seagull Book & Tape. See Seagull Book & Tape's chain listing for details.