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is the author of 4 books.

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Organizations and Associations

Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association

Writer/Author Organization
Established 1947
PO Box 642610
Pullman, WA  99164-2610
Phone: 509-335-4198
FAX: 509-335-3708
Dues: faculty: $45; student/scholar: $35
  • Hosts annual trade conference or workshop.
  • Sponsors literary awards.
  • Publishes a periodic newsletter, journal, or magazine.
The Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, one of six independent regional branches of the Modern Language Association, is a non-profit, professional organization, established in 1947. The RMMLA was formed to promote critical inquiry, teaching, and research in the fields of languages, literatures, and the humanities by holding a convention every Fall for the presentation and discussion of papers in these and related fields, and by regularly publishing a print and an electronic scholarly journal, the Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature and the Rocky Mountain E-Review respectively. Members come from the Rocky Mountain regions of the U.S. and Canada, as well as from several other states, provinces and countries.